Taurus : Brish Rashi (वृष राशि)
बृष (इ, उ, ए, ओ, बा, बि, बु, बे, बो) –
बाह्रौं घरमा चन्द्रमा रहेकाले खर्चमा नियन्त्रण गर्नुपर्छ । दुर्गमस्थान र टाढाको यात्रा सम्भावना छ तर अनावश्यक यात्राबाट जोगिनु राम्रो हुन्छ । कल्पना र भावनामा केन्दित भइने छ । बोलीको विपरीत अर्थ लाग्न सक्छ, मुखलाई नियन्त्रणमा राख्नुहोला । पारिवारिक वातावरण पनि तपाईंको अनुकूल हुने छैन । आजका लागि शुभअङ्क ३ र शुभरङ्ग सिन्दुरे रातो हो भने कुनै शुभकर्म गर्नु पूर्व वा यात्रामा जानु अघि आज ॐ हं हनुमते नमः यस मन्त्रको कम्तीमा २३ पटक जप गरी आरम्भ गर्दा लाभ प्राप्त हुनेछ ।
Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20) |
You usually embrace doing multiple activities, as keeping yourself busy is good medicine for you. But today, you just want to be in a peaceful and quiet place, but you have to deal with multiple problems.
Compatibility with: Aquarius
Mood: Very Annoyed
Color: Peach
Lucky Number of the day: 37
Lucky Time: 11 pm
About Taurus
The most common way to describe a Taurus will be a person who is practical and is tuned towards music whom you can rely on. With the zodiac sign represented by bulls, they are well known to be stubborn just like bulls. But unlike bulls, they are extremely logical minded and practical thinkers. Taurus also naturally tend to be extremely hard workers and very efficient workers as well. Now while this is all good and all since they naturally are practical and more or less always know the most efficient way to work, this can lead to crashes with the superiors or with the people of power.

The main reason being they can’t handle anyone messing up efficiency. They do really want honest opinions and feel like they are being considered. Although not the most emotional of zodiac signs, they do get hurt if they feel like their opinion is not being valued rather easily. But it can be a bit hard to understand these types of feelings as they hide them under their stubbornness and seek music to heal them.
Extremely loyal and almost always with a solution, these are the people you want by your side.
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